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Cross Curricula Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures: Home

Resources for different faculties

Curriculum linked websites

 Ngarrngga resources made by educators for educators in collaboration with Indigenous Knowledge Experts.

Resources can be searched by year level or by subject areas: English, Health & PE, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, Technologies and The Arts.

Cross-referenced with the Victorian and Australian Curriculums.

The Orb celebrates Tasmanian Aboriginal people and the interconnections between Country, culture, identity, and Community.The Orb features interviews with Tasmanian Aboriginal Community members. It provides teachers with Australian Curriculum aligned resources to assist the teaching of Tasmanian Aboriginal histories and cultures.

Math Resources

Knowledge on the land: Two-ways learning through Yolŋu mathematics (16 mins 2017)

Deep Learning. Teaching mathematics from an Aboriginal Perspective (58 mins, 2020)

ACEMS - ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical & Statistical Frontiers


Podcast: Wellbeing as we know it now has been constructed from a Western perspective, so what does the oldest continuing culture in the world have to say about methods of wellbeing? On Noongar Wellbeing, Ballardong Whadjuk Noongyar woman Brooke Collard yarns with six Elders, exploring their ideas on creating the tools to care for yourself and your community.

I am Australian

Indigenous community videos ICTVPlay

ICTV enables the sharing of cultural stories, song and dance, language and essential information through two accessible platforms—our television service and our on-demand internet-based service—and by producing and supporting the production of video content in remote communities. Our content is created for, and by, Indigenous Australians living in remote communities.

Short videos select from: Our way, Our culture, Young way, Our tucker, Our music, Our sport, Spiritual way, Live TV and playlists.

Clickview resources

Check Clickview for interactive videos such as

The First Inventors (NITV 2023)


Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Science Resources

Aboriginal astronomy

"The First Nations cultures of Australia – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders – speak over 250 distinct languages and stretch back for over 65,000 years. This makes the First Australians the oldest astronomers and the oldest continuing cultures in the world. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people developed a number of practical ways to observe the Sun, Moon and stars to inform navigation, calendars, and predict weather."

Aboriginal Astronomy - interview with Karlie Alinta Noon


General resources

Indigenous Knowledge Resources for Australian School Curricula Project

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Curricula Project is a University of Melbourne initiative which aims to empower all teachers to integrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures in their teaching using these curriculum resources that incorporate Indigenous knowledge. It contains resources for Years 3 – 10 across seven learning areas of the Australian Curriculum (English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies and Health and Physical Education).

Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education

The Narragunnawali online platform is free to access and provides practical ways to introduce meaningful reconciliation initiatives in the classroom, around the school and with the community. Through the Narragunnawali platform, schools and early learning services can develop a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), and teachers and educators can access professional learning and curriculum resources to support the implementation of reconciliation initiatives.

AIATSIS Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.

The AIATSIS Collection contains more than one million items, including books, audio, photographic, manuscript, moving image and art and object material, related to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories.

CSIRO Living Stem : connecting indigenous knowledge to the classroom

Living STEM supports primary and secondary school teachers to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scientific knowledges in the school learning program through hands-on inquiry projects to increase student engagement and achievement in STEM.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander perspectives: resources 

Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority logo

The QCAA has developed a range of materials to support the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into the school curriculum.

National Indigenous Times 

The National Indigenous Times is Australia’s leading news media organisation for Indigenous affairs. A daily news website, offering rigorous and fearless reporting on the issues that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The NIT is a 100% Indigenous-owned business.


William Barak building, Melbourne ARM Architects

Elizabeth Quay, Perth ARM Architects. The design was inspired by the Wagyl, or rainbow serpent, an egg of the Noongar mythology.

Uluru Kata-Tjuta Cultural Centre, Northern Territory Gregory Burgess Architects


Indigenous Architecture and Design Australia

IADA recognises the immense value that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Architects and Designers bring to our society. It seeks to amplify their voices and promote their expertise, advocating for the recognition of their unique perspective, cultural knowledge, and contributions.



Reconciliation through architecture: A chance to build on the past Sarah Lynn Rees Monash University 2020

Melbourne’s new William Barak building is a cruel juxtaposition  The Conversation 2015

5 Indigenous engineering feats you should know about

5 Indigenous feats you should know about. Australian Geographic

The Kimberly Raft

Thuwarri Thaa Aboriginal ochre mine

Budj Bim eel traps

Yidaki / Didgeridoo

Brewarrina fish traps




Music & The Arts resources

Sharing Stories Foundation collection of animated First Nation stories.

SharingStories Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation led by a passionate board with majority First Nations representation. We collaborate with First Nations communities to protect and grow language, stories and cultural heritage.


Aboriginal Change Makers

Aboriginal Change Makers is a teaching resource for Victorian schools that presents amazing stories of political and social activity, self-determination and empowerment. Also has information and links to videos about life on the missions.

Aboriginal Change Makers

General skills

Capital Cities traditional placename and greetings

Library print resources

Items are constantly being added to the Library collection.

Check out the Indigenous histories and culture reading list


Aboriginal Songlines Helped Draw the Map in Australia National Geographic Education blog 2016