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ENGLISH TEXTS 2025 : digital & audio: Home

English resources booklisted 2025

Digital and audio access to 2025 booklisted titles

eBook and digital audiobook links are also included if possible.

Year 7

My life as an alphabet

Recorded as H is for happiness (98 min.)

The Lost Thing

For further resources : The Lost Thing RSP

The Lost Thing (15 min.)

My life as an alphabet

Instructions for enabling audio of an ebook

Year 10

The Truman Show

The Truman Show (93 min.)

The Dressmaker

The Dressmaker (110 min.)

ebook  The Longest Memory

Instructions for enabling audio of an ebook

eBooks and digital audio books

Learn how to turn on text-to-speech, ESL & translation options. French, Hebrew and many other languages are available through the ePlatform ebooks.

Year 8

Year 11

Interactive Videos

To access specific interactive copies of the films please use Clickview directly.

Year 9

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Hunt for the Wilderpeople (97 min.)

Animal Farm (1954)

For further resources: The Cold War World RSP

Animal Farm 1954 (70 min., animated)

Animal Farm (1999)

Animal Farm 1999 (88 min.)

Romeo + Juliet (2007, Baz Luhrmann)

For further resources : Romeo and Juliet RSP

Romeo + Juliet 2007 (112 min.)

Romeo and Juliet (2013, Carlo Carlei)

Romeo and Juliet (118 min.)


For further resources: Persepolis RSP

Persepolis (92 min.)

Year 12

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