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Shakespeare The Tempest: Home

Year 11 English

Shakespeare: the animated tales THE TEMPEST (25:59 mins)


Clickview - Bitesize Shakespeare

Watch a 3 minute video of a Shakespearean play. A Midsummer's night dream; Macbeth, Much Ado about nothing, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, the Merchant of Venice, The Tempest and Twelfth Night

Is Shakespeare still relevant to a modern audience?

The Tempest (Shakespeare Learning Zone)


Shakespeare Today The Tempest

Shakespeare Today The Tempest

A series of 8 videos exploring themes of power and forgiveness, appearance vs reality, ambition & greed as well as key quote analysis.

THE TEMPEST (LitCharts Study Guide)

All the World's a stage - TED Ed

Bibliography maker SLASA

The Tempest graphic novel