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Protest : Judging information

Exploring the ideas of protest in relation to VCE English

Online research skills

(2 episodes 9 mins each)

Evaluating websites

TED Talk Dr J. Marshall Shepherd

BIAS What shapes our perceptions (and misperceptions) about science? In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know -- and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge. (12 mins)

Does it pass the CRAAP test?

The internet is a great source of information .... but beware the fake, false, biassed, biggotted, ignorant, irrelevant, outdated, outrageous. Ask who put it there, when and why.

Kenkel, K. (2016) McGovern library: Research help: Evaluating sources. Available at: (Accessed: 6 January 2017).